Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Dear Carina,
Hey, what’s up? How are you doing? Is the news about you (well, not you actually) and Markus still gossiped in Vineland? It’s been long time ago the gossip has calmed down and forgotten in America. It is always like that here. Tee hee!
I’m doing alright. I came back to America yesterday afternoon, and I started to think that I’m not a normal girl anymore. Yes, I told you that I was never a normal girl before I came here but I feel different since I disguised to you, replaced your place for a while and then came back to the ordinary citizen girl. Well, your home was pretty fascinating and all… Trying your dresses, tiaras and all those stuff. Well I had a free palace tour didn’t I? I was one lucky girl.
So how’s Ingrid, and Markus? Please say hello to them. Is your dad still in Vineland? I hope so. I miss you guys already. I don’t know exactly why, but I feel like I’ve known you and Ingrid for a decades. But it’s only about a few weeks, wasn’t it? We had a lot of time suffering from what we did these past few weeks. Don’t you think?
I haven’t heard about your story yet. What’s up with the Ribbit guy you were dying to meet? What’s about the boy named Glenn? How did you meet him? I think I heard from Ingrid that you liked this boy and he was totally a true gentleman? Oh, you’ve gotta tell me soon! I think I’m going to die!!!!!!! Oh, um, I think Ingrid told you all about what happened while you were lost in the way of Texas. So I think I don’t need to tell you my story and I wasn’t going to anyway. Just Kidding!
I hope you had your freedom enough, there’s a lot too dangerous for a princess like you. If you feel like I you need a run away, just call me! I’ll be ready to go~. Bye!
Your friend,

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